Your Best China Freight Forwarder


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Haec igitur Epcuri non probo, inquam. De cetero vellem equidem aut ipse docrinis fuisset instructior est enim, quod tibi ita.


The Definitive Guide to China
Freight Forwarding

Logistics Terms

All The Logistics Terms You Want to Know

Term Definition
Agreement A memorandum of understanding between the parties to establish the conditions clearly and beforehand for supply services.
Air Freight A service that provides for the air transportation of shipments. Air transportation allows for decreased shipping time, low damage ratios, and for certain commodities, lower shipping costs.
Term Definition
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • General
  • Invoicing, Payment, Claims
  • Pick-Up & Warehousing
  • Sourcing & Fulfillment
  • Customs Brokerage
  • Booking Shipment
  • Shipment Management
  • Who can be a customer of ABL LOGISTICS?

    Our customer base ranges from Fortune 500 companies to small retail business owners. We can customize different transportation services for different purchasers, and we can handle shipments ranging from 1 kg to container loads, providing transportation convenience to meet the needs of most people.

  • Can you purchase insurance for goods?

    Yes, we have established a long-term partnership with Ping An Insurance Company of China to purchase transport insurance for goods. In the event that the goods are lost, stolen, or damaged during transportation, we can provide compensation up to 1.1 times the value of the goods.

  • What is the transportation time? What compensation can I get if there is a delay in delivery of goods?

    ABL LOGISTICS is a VIP customer of multiple airlines and shipping companies. While ensuring the safety of the goods, airlines and shipping companies will prioritize the transportation of our goods. Regarding compensation for delivery delays, if both parties have agreed on a specific time for delivery and there is a delay, we can provide compensation according to the agreement.

  • What kind of Chinese freight forwarding company is ABL LOGISTICS?

    ABL LOGISTICS is headquartered in Guangzhou and was one of the earliest international freight forwarders established in China. With 15 years of experience in international transportation, the company offers highly competitive shipping prices and top-quality transportation services for air freight, sea freight, railway transport, and express delivery.

  • ABL LOGISTICS can provide transportation services to which countries?

    ABL LOGISTICS can provide global transportation agency services, provided that the countries are not under sanctions or blockade.

  • Can working directly with Chinese freight forwarders help me save on logistics costs?

    Yes, ABL-LOGISTICS integrates all logistics and transportation resources and provides a variety of transportation options based on different types of cargo. Our expertise is sure to help you save on transportation costs.

  • How can I track the shipping status of my goods?

    For air freight: You can track the transportation route by entering the bill of lading number on the website of the airline company. The bill of lading number is composed of Arabic numerals and has a format of "***-**** ****". For sea freight: We usually recommend tracking the shipment through the container number on the website of the shipping company as this method is the most accurate.

  • What is the payment method for shipping fees?

    For shipping fees below 500 US dollars, we can accept payment through Paypal or T/T. If the shipping fee exceeds 500 US dollars, we can only accept payment through T/T. However, if your supplier is willing to make payment to us in CNY, we are also happy to accept it.

Are you ready to send goods from China?

ABL-LOGISTICS offer international air freight, international sea freight (FCL & LCL), oversized cargo transportation, door-to-door delivery, or delivery to Amazon warehouses.

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